Sunday, April 06, 2008

Expedia / TripAdvisor keeps buying and the network keeps growing.

It is Expedia week here at the BOOT as they are filling the news funnel with story after story.

TripAdvisor is showing no signs of slowing in its quest to become an advertising network. Another acquisition has been added to the ever expanding list of niche travel content companies. is the latest to the following list of TripAdvisor stable-mates:
With airfarewatchdog and Holidaywatchdog in the family, it looks like the TripAdvisor Owl is being voted off the island the animal logo battle that is the Expedia brand family.

If Google is interested in anything in the Expedia family it is this collection of assets - not the transaction parts.

Thanks to Kevin at Travolution is always first out with these stories.


Anonymous said...

I wasn't aware of but after taking a look its looks to be a small player as compared to other TA purchases. Is the market for quality sites out there that small?

Looks like they might be having some server problems when I hit it the site looks awhile to load.

Anonymous said...
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